Online Safety

Online Safety

The Internet and related technologies, including mobile phones, blogs, podcasting and social networks are becoming increasingly important in the daily lives of our children and have many positive benefits.

They can be used both educationally and socially.

Socially our children often use the Internet for entertainment, interaction, and communication with friends.  Educationally, the Internet provides information, discussion, resources and inspiration for their learning.

Access to the internet could take place anywhere and at anytime so we need to make sure our children are able to use the internet safely. Children need to be aware of online safety due to the risks of having unknown online friends, uploading images or viewing content.

At Nonington CE Primary School we provide a safe and secure online learning opportunities  for our children using Net Sweeper which forms part of the school’s broadband package. ‘Schools’ Broadband’ manages our broadband, web filtering and network security and this system complies with DFE guidelines. This enables us to teach our children how to use internet based technologies safely and responsibly.

Please click on the link below to view our Online Safety Policy.

uk safer internet centre