National Curriculum

The curriculum is the means by which the school seeks to achieve these aims.

Children’s work is planned according to the National Curriculum and updated as necessary. Much of the work covered by children will be related to a topic or theme. The topics are carefully chosen to offer a wide range of experiences and areas of knowledge to the children.

The National Curriculum is taught to all children aged 5 – 16 years who attend State Schools and consists of Maths, English, Science and I.C.T. which together form the core curriculum. In addition to these the foundation subjects of Technology, History, Geography, Music, Art, P.S.H.E. and Physical Education are also taught along with Religious Education.

At the age of 7, 11, 14 and 16 each child will sit assessment tasks or tests. These assessments will show where children may need extra help and where they are doing well. There are five stages for different age groups known as key stages:

Foundation Stage for Reception Children
Key Stage 1 from 5 – 7 years (Year 1 & 2)
Key Stage 2 from 7 – 11 years (Year 3 – Year 6)
Key Stage 3 from 11 – 14 years
Key Stage 4 from 14 – 16 years
We are very fortunate in that with our current ratio of staff to pupils we are able to provide a high percentage of individual attention and teaching in small groups and thus are able to cater extremely well for the needs of the individual child. We have the breadth of staff skills and expertise, which enables us to deliver a broad curriculum. Our small teaching staff means that we have very cohesive policies throughout our curriculum, record keeping and expectations of behaviour and work.

Progress is carefully monitored by the class teachers. Reception children are tested using the Kent Baseline Assessment Scheme and children are monitored using the Foundation Stage Profile. Seven and eleven year old children undergo SATs (Standard Assessment Tasks) and the results are added to your child’s end of year report. All children have a report during the Summer Term which can be discussed with the class teacher at Open Evening and interim reports in December and March.

Key Stage 1 & Key Stage 2

SATs results though very good cannot be reported as the year groups were too small and individual children could be easily identified.